IPP Sandie and President SteveThe club Changeover and Annual presentation was held at the Novatel in Rowland Flat. Retiring President Sandie handed over the reins to Incoming President Steve.
There were a lot of people there to witness the induction of Steve and to hear the reports of the progress and activities of the club during the 2023-4 Rotary year. District Governor Craig Dowling and Area Governor Bill Simons were representing the District, and several people from other service clubs in the area attended. The Barossa Valley Rotary Club has always had a good relationship with other service clubs in the area,
President Steve introduced his Board for the year, including new board members James Dunn as President-Elect, Karin Bossomworth (Community and Fellowship) and Brian Barnett (Special Projects). 
Immediate Past President Sandie has returned to the Board as Secretary, allowing past secretary Bev Stephenson to retire.
 The other board members, all continuing in their previous roles are:
Mark Graetz-Treasurer. Sue Graetz -Membership, Prue Maitland - New Generations, David West - Vocational, Peter Thomas - International, Grant Schuyler-Rotary Club of Barossa Foundation and Keith Millington-2025 Airshow.
It has been traditional at the Annual Changeover evening to present awards for outstanding achievements.
The Paul Harris Fellowship (PHF) award recognises the contribution of individual members in promoting the ideals and values of Rotary. District Governor Craig made the presentation of two PHFs to Bill and Sandie Simons in recognition of their work, in a relatively short time, as Rotarians.
Bill has been a past president of the Barossa Valley Rotary Club and an Area Governor for Area 5. He was always among the first to volunteer for any Rotary activity and was instrumental in the success of the 2021 and 2023 Barossa Airshows. His work in organising the Council, Police and Community requirements for the Airshow went a long way to ensure the success of the event. A PHF was well and truly earned.
Sandie has been the Club secretary for several years and is the immediate past president. Sandie is a driving force behind the Rotary Says No to Domestic Violence campaign as well as being the Admin officer for the Barossa Airshow, since 2020. The COVID epidemic put an enormous strain on the Airshow committee and Sandie's efforts in complying with the ever-changing requirements of COVID management would have broken a lesser person Add to this her other activities in Community Radio and you can see why a PHF is so richly deserved.
Some Pictures of the crowd at the changeover,

President Steve and guests