                    Bulletin 3341 
               6th January 2025 
       Soiree Fellowship at Hans Haan
                Oh lord and giver of all good,
                                 Stephanie A. Urchick
                                 RI President 2024/25
      A note to all members, partners, and friends from our Rotary                                       International President 2024-2025.  
       Monthly Theme for January 2025 
Vocational Service   
Rotary tries to instill into the minds of its members that true happiness in the business of life comes through service to others, and not through a continuous study of how to skin the other fellow.
A One-Way Test, The ROTARIAN, March 1967.
Richard L. Evans was born in Salt Lake City, Utah, U.S.A. He became Rotary International President in 1966-67.  
Here is his simple "one-way test." Is it good for people? If it is good for people, it is good. If it isn't good for people, it isn't good. In vocational service, we must measure all our interests and activities by this test -
the products we make, the services we perform, the things we promote, the merchandise we sell, the attitudes we encourage.
                                  SANGKOO YUN   
    In the December-January addition 2024/2025         of the Rotary Down Under magazine, we were
advised that SangKoo Yun from the Rotary Club
of Sae Hanyang in Seoul, Korea has been selected as President of Rotary International for 2026/27. He will be the organisation's second Korean President. Yun has been a Rotarian since 1987. His contributions 
to Rotary are outstanding. He received The Rotary Foundation's Distinguished Service Award in 2021-22. Yun and his wife Eunsun, are Rotary Foundation Benefactors, Major Donors and members of the Arch Klumph Society, the Paul Harris Society and the Bequest Society.      
                 President Steve's Snippets
We’ve launched the year with an incredible start! Meeting 3341 and the Soiree were held on the beautiful grounds generously provided by Hans Haan—what a fantastic setting. A big thank you to Mark Graetz for bringing the trailer with tables, as well as everyone who helped set up and pack them away. Special thanks to Sandie for organizing the raffle and silent auction. The donated prizes were excellent, creating plenty of fun and excitement. My brother-in-law was thrilled to hear that the plane he donated raised $80—well done, Mike, for contributing such a great conversation piece!
As I mentioned in my previous snippets, engaging the community with Rotary starts with meaningful conversations. On Thursday, January 9th, we held our first Airshow meeting of the year, and it’s a reminder that April will be here before we know it. I’m confident our members will step up once again, ensuring this year’s event is even more successful than the last two.
When talking with friends or others in the community, don’t forget to share the amazing work the Barossa Rotary Club does. And, by the way, let them know that the Barossa Airshow is happening on Sunday, April 6th—perfect if they’re looking for a great day out. Past airshows have already brought us at least three fantastic new members. Just imagine the impact if we could add three more passionate individuals to our team by year’s end. That would be a significant boost for our club.
Let’s keep up the energy and enthusiasm, making the Barossa Rotary Club the community’s first choice. Together, we’ll achieve even greater things!
SOIREE – Monday 6th January 2025
Despite the cool breeze which persisted through the evening, the thirty-one people who attended the Soiree enjoyed some fellowship while raising $320 to support the club’s VET Awards (Vocational Education and Training) for local secondary school students.
As mentioned in emails, if you attended the VET Awards presentation night on 4th November you will remember that this is a very valuable and rewarding program, with the recipients grateful for recognition of their work towards building a career, and for the financial assistance which accompanies each award.
Several who attended the Soiree were fortunate winners of a variety of raffle items, from cucumbers to cooking equipment!
The silent auction of a model airplane handcrafted by Steve Ahrens’ brother-in-law was hotly contested with Mike Connors making the successful final bid, and Steve bought the decanter set to add to his collection!
Thanks again to Hans for allowing us to use your lovely garden for our Soiree, to Mark for bringing the tables, to those who donated items for the raffle and auction, and to all who participated with such enthusiasm in the fellowship and fund-raising.
As recorded in the Leader on Wednesday December 18th, 2024
our friend Lola Miles celebrated her 96th birthday. Some Members would well remember the times when our meetings were held at the Weintal Hotel and Lola, along with her friend Morna Aughey frequently attended. Morna's son Allan is still the Mayor in Clare and some of us caught up with him when we attended the 60th anniversary of the Clare Club a couple of months ago.
Lola, we wish you all the best. As your family members wrote, "We look forward to more happy times in 2025."
Happy birthday from members of the
Rotary Club of the Barossa Valley.
The Clothing Bins
Thank you to all the workers who collect and frequently empty the bins. It has been a very busy time as Rotarian Mike Connors found out. Apparently, Mike has some interesting photos which may appear in a later bulletin. 219 bags were recently picked up and taken away after they had been packed in our shed.    
Most of our members would remember Rotarian Gavin, seen in this picture with his wife Lifen and their little boy Kenzo. They are visiting China.
                       MEETING 3341 
   Fellowship SOIREE 6th January 2025  
    Members 20, partners 9, Friends 1, Guest 1.
                                       Total  31
Birthdays for January
Sandie Simons        9th Jan
Michael Nietschke  10th Jan
John Little             22ndJan  
Craig Rogasch       30th Jan
James Maitland      14th  "
Helen Graetz          23rd  " 
Mary Martin            24th  "           
Date Joined Rotary
James Mitchell  23rd Jan 1985    40 years
Tony Robinson  23rd Jan 2021      4 years
                             Just a thought
    Don't be pushed around by the fears in your            mind, be led by the dreams in your heart.
Thanks, Marie, for the many yarns you have sent in.  
Duty Roster
Meeting 3342
Vine Inn
Meeting 3343
Vine Inn
Brian Barnett
Karin Bosomworth
Loyal Toast
James Dunn
Brian Eckermann
Mike Connors
Sandie Simons
4/Way Test  
Wendy Randell 
Patrick R-Haydn
Bill Simons
Bryce Lillecrapp
Janine Harding
Student Exchange
Darrin Gladigau
Exchange Student
Robert Brookes
Robert Brookes
Setting up
Phil Graetz and Peter Sich
Phil Graetz and
Peter Sich
Mark Graetz
Sue Graetz
Mark Graetz
Sue Graetz
 Clothing Bins                
16/1/25 - 30/1/25
       P. Flaherty
W. Simons
Happy New year to all bulletin readers.
Enjoy this little poem 
Board 2024-5
President: Steve Ahrens
Immediate Past President: Sandie Simons
President-Elect: James Dunn
Treasurer: Mark Graetz
Secretary: Sandie Simons
Vocational Committee
Team Leader: David West
4 + 3
Mark Graetz (also Treasurer)
Grant Schuyler
Brian Eckermann (VET Awards)
Phil Graetz
Ian Falkenberg
Rohan Semmler
Community/Fellowship Committee
Team Leader: Karin Bosomworth
9 + 3
James Dunn (President Elect)
John Little
Geoffrey Schrapel
Peter Sich
Geoff Zerk
Philip Martin
Bill Simons
Ray Duance (Driver Reviver/KESAB, EMIBs)
David Braunack
Elly Monfries
John Monfries
Membership Committee
Team Leader: Sue Graetz
Steve Ahrens (President)
Sandie Simons (IPP, Secretary)
Mike Connors
International Committee
Team Leader: Peter Thomas (Grants support)
9 + 1
Keith Adams
Ray Fiebiger
Rick Kessner
Patrick Ritchie-Hayden
Anne Schilling (Grants support)
Bryce Lillecrapp
Bronwyn Lillecrapp
Bruce Dutschke
New Generations Committee
Team Leader: Prue Maitland
4 + 1
Beverley Stephenson
John Semmler
Julie Weckert
Police Checks Recorder and Child Protection: Prue Maitland
Sandy Lineham
Special Projects
Team Leader: Brian Barnett
Mark Burton
Jim Mitchell
Michael Nietschke
Frank Ware
Wendy Randell
Rotary Club of Barossa Valley Foundation
Chair: Grant Schuyler
Secretary: John Semmler
Treasurer: Rick Kessner
Mark Graetz
Prue Maitland
Club President (Steve Ahrens)
Sandie Simons
Club Vocational Chair (David West)
2025 Barossa Airshow
Chair: Keith Millington
Airside: Steve Ahrens
Landside/Promotion: Keith Millington
Treasurer: Mark Graetz
Secretary/Admin: Sandie Simons
Workforce: Sue Graetz
Sponsorship: David West, Brian Barnett
Grounds: Bill Simons, Mark Graetz, Bryce Lillecrapp
Catering: Anne Schilling
Displays & Stalls: Mike Connors, Karin Bosomworth
Club Support Roles
Public Officer: Keith Adams
Club Program Co-0rdinator: Keith Adams
Bulletin Editor: Robert Brookes
Assistant Secretary: Vacant
Meeting Welcomers and Cashiers: Sue and Mark Graetz
       3335    Monday, 7 October 2024        Sandie Simons
      3336    Monday, 21 October 2024      John Semmler
             3337    Monday, 4 November 2024    Keith Millington         3338    Monday, 18 November 2024   Rick Kessner
   3339   Monday, 2 December 2024     Sue Graetz     
3340   Monday, 16 December 2024      Peter Sich
  3341    Monday, 6 January 2025        David West
     3342    Monday, 20 January 2025      Mike Connors
Website, Social Media: Keith Millington
Public Image / Marketing: Sandie Simons, Steve Ahrens
Grants (District Foundation and Other): Peter Thomas, Anne Schilling
PHF Recommendations: Peter Sich, John Little, Keith Adams, President (Steve Ahrens) 
Friends of the Rotary Club of Barossa Valley: Sue Graetz 
Police Checks and Child Protection Officer: Prue Maitland 
Rotary Youth Driver Awareness (RYDA): Sue Graetz, Chair; Mark Graetz, Treasurer; John Semmler, Secretary; Brian Eckermann; Peter Thomas; Bill Simons; Sandie Simons
Clothing Bin Roster: Peter Thomas
Club History: Grant Schuyler
Great Revival Shop Rep: Bev Stephenson
Ring Pulls: Bryce Lillecrapp, Bill Simons, Peter Thomas
Shed and Trailers: Mark Graetz, Peter Sich, John Semmler, Mike Connors
Local Government Liaison: Bill Simons
Advertisement for ClubRunner Mobile